Thursday, July 23, 2015

Weekend in Michigan

I wish I could have come here under different circumstances. How I held it together as well as I did yesterday is beyond me. If you haven't read it on Reibun's blog, my uncle John suffered a pretty bad head injury yesterday.

When my mom called me at work, I pretty much knew something had happened to someone, she never calls there. I guess it's true that instinct just sorta kicks in during situations like that. I didn't think of anything but the fact that I had to get here and make sure he was ok. I mean, I made sure Rei knew and everything, but nothing frivolous ever crossed my mind. Not what I needed or was gonna wear or anything.

I love Janice, Cathy, Rei, Adra, all of you so much for being such an amazing support system. I don't know what I'd do without you. <3

He gave everybun here a pretty good scare and while he's not out of the woods yet, they at least know he's gonna survive at this point. The swelling in his brain has decreased and he's pretty functional right now. He'll probably be in the hospital until Saturday and after that he's gonna have a lot of doctors appointments in his future. He doesn't care much for doctors and has been neglecting his health for a long time, so they've found some other medical things he needs to address along with this.

I know everyone dies at some point. And I'm not complaining about it, but I've had an underlying sense of dread since my early teens that he and my parents will be gone long before most people have to start entertaining these thoughts. My mom is nearly 70 and she is the youngest of my core family unit. (Brianne is already dead as far as I'm concerned) If they're all alive when I'm in my late 30's, I'll be a very lucky girl. I don't like thinking about it, but this has shoved it to the front of my mind once again. *Sigh*

On to more positive things! I did end up going shopping with my mom today because I needed more warm weather clothing for here. 'Course, I ended up with like 30 other things, too. >.> My mom insisted on going to Victoria's Secret with me because "It's nothing she hasn't seen and can't handle." She couldn't handle it and I don't think she's seen a lot of the lingerie that's come out in the last 15-20 years. lol. I'm not a huge fan of that store, but I needed stuff (I actually did on that front) and it was what was available. Good thing they don't sell harness bras! lol.

It is nice being here and it's more comfortable weather-wise because we're right near the water. I wish Reibun could've come along and under different circumstances, of course. I have stuff to keep myself occupied here, but it's not the same as when we're in bed playing video games at night and she starts yelling at her game. Or Pornhub... Haha. Miss you so much, sweetie. :(

I hope everybun is having a nice day and I'll probably be online here and there throughout the weekend. :)




  1. I wish I could've gone with you, honey bunny. We'll go visit him and your folks on a scheduled trip before the year is over. ^^ As for the age thing... I know you don't resent them for bringing you into the world so late in life. I know I don't either, because you're here and making me happy every day. But it is unfair in a way, too. Obviously they couldn't have foreseen the adversities you'd face, but did it cross their minds that this would inevitably be an issue, regardless? I know I wouldn't want to be 23 and have to be thinking this way. And it's not paranoia, they're just getting to the end of their lifespan. I love you and I love them, I just feel so bad that you have to carry this on top of all of your other anxieties... *Hugs*

    All that said, you and your mom are a living sitcom! XD The young, pretty daughter and the sweet, yet horribly behind the times old mom. I love watching you two in action. :3

    I love and miss you, too, Lacebun! *Hugs and kisses* I'll call you in a bit so we can talk about that lingerie! :3333


  2. I miss you too, Lacebun! ❤️ So glad your uncle has an excellent prognosis. I've been entertaining Reibun with terrible images of dudes in horse suits doing...things. lol Love you, pretty bunny girl! *hugs*

  3. Thank you both! :) I knew you'd understand about the thing with my parents, Reibun. <3 And thank you for keeping her entertained, Adrabun! Even if it is with such images... lol. Love you two so much! XOXO
