Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Lunch (half) Hour 3/31/15

Yep, half a lunch today. It was nothing anyone who works here or a client did, it was the mailman. We had some packages and documents that were supposed to be picked up this morning, but no one came. The mail has been such a mess since all the snowstorms. I don't know if carriers got buried and froze to death or got blown away or what, but everything has been off. I had to take Janice's car and wait in line at the post office. I bought a couple double cheeseburgers at McDonald's for lunch. Why do they always look like they've been run over by a Mack truck? Didn't even taste good. :(

Rei is doing better and took me to work today. We were up late last night playing video games, so she might've gone home to take a nap. It's really fun playing online with her there. We were taunting all the boys! lol I much prefer that to playing alone and being propositioned for sex, naked pictures and being insulted/harassed for being a female gamer. The companies can put all the safeguards and threaten bannings etc. all they want, nothing keeps the trolls away.

Got a selfie and a couple Misa pictures for you today! :)

Pretty casual today. Got this tshirt and a long black pencil skirt on today. It's beautiful outside, too! Only had to wear my little black sweater jacket over this. :)

And one of Grumpy Bunny

Hope everyone is having a nice day! :)



Monday, March 30, 2015

The Lunch Hour 3/30/15

Got leftovers from lunch with Rei yesterday for eats today! Some really yummy grilled chicken, veggies and I swiped a bunch of bread from the basket they give you while you wait. They just throw it away anyway. :p

Drove myself here this morning because Rei is incredibly miserable. She was in pain and had a sick stomach last night. She kept waking me up in the middle of the night when she'd try to turn over and moan in pain because her back was so stiff. I feel so bad that there's nothing I can do to help. I'm working on getting her on my insurance, but there's a lot of paperwork involved. *Sigh* She's still hurting today and just generally doesn't feel good. :( I'll be home with her ASAP.

Got some selfies for you and then it's back to work. Easter is Sunday, so it is insane here!

Skull dress with a Hello Kitty lolita necklace! :)

Better view of the dress.

Have a nice day, everyone! :)



Sunday, March 29, 2015

Cherry Blossoms for Spring

Wanted to do something sorta seasonal today! :) These are pretty intricate for freehand stuff and they took some time to do. Rei was hungry for lunch, but I had to finish them! A combination of acrylic paint and regular polish was used for these. You could do it with polish alone, but it probably wouldn't look as good. I use cocktail sticks and a dotting tool for the little details when I do freehand. Not on these, but I do nail designs with permanent markers and scotch tape, too. 



Saturday, March 28, 2015

Time to break the Cute Barrier! :)

Taken a few hours after I got her and brought her to my uncle's house, she's in his workshop here. This pic doesn't really give an accurate sense of just how tiny she was!

 She'd been home two days when I took this. She worried me a bit at first because she didn't eat much and hardly moved around at all. I think she was just nervous and she's been fine since! :)



Special Post: About Me!

If you read through all my posts here and look at the pictures and didn't know me personally, you might think I'm just obsessed with clothes, makeup, animals and Rei. While all that IS true, there's more to me than the sum of this blog thus far. I'd like to share a little bit about myself and the people in my life, especially from back home in Michigan. :)

Those fine folks are the reason I'm here! :) My dad's name is David and he's retired from the contracting business. He can build and fix just about anything! He built his company from the ground up and gave me my first job when I was 14. I spent many summers and weekends learning stuff that most people have to pay a lot of money to learn. My mom's name is Amelia and she was a hairdresser for a good many years until she developed severe arthritis and carpel tunnel syndrome in her hands. She can still style you up nice, she just can't do it on a daily basis anymore. Not bad looking for 70 (Dad) and 67 (Mom), huh? ♥

Home! :) The house I grew up in will always be the place I call home, but this is where Rei and I will be staying when we go next month. Just a note, this isn't my picture, I got it from a real estate site. There are a few condos in each building and they are beautiful! My mom and dad saved so much and between the sale of the old house and his business, it's all paid for. :) The site I found the pic on has one listed for about $355,000. Save your pennies! lol

That is my uncle John! (Dad's bro) Guess who he's holding? Yep. Baby Lacey! :) He has never stopped taking good care of me! That's about as dressed up as he gets. lol He is a total redneck to the core. Lawnmowers, a lawn full of cars he's working on, farm animals, hunting, he does it all! He's a welder by trade, but he's got like 5 side jobs, too. I love riding around with him all night in the winter plowing snow! :)

Other things you may not know or might be interested in:

I'm a total sports fan. My whole family is into it. Sorry, Boston, I love my Tigers, Red Wings, and Pistons. The Lions? No. I'm a total Patriots girl now. I also love MMA, Kickboxing, boxing and Rei is getting me into Pro-Wrestling. 

Before I hurt my neck, I did a lot of working out and even some Yoga. I try to at least do some stretches every morning, but sometimes it just can't/doesn't happen. I'm still pretty flexible in some respects, though! Do you think those stocking/tight pics take themselves? :p Yes, I can do some things in bed, too! Haha!

K, gotta get Rei's breakfast started! It makes me even happier to cook for my wife! Married life is definitely for me. *Nod*

Happy Weekend everyone! :)



Friday, March 27, 2015

A few pictures from today.

Rei was Rainbow Hime for the wedding! She looked amazing! If you look at the window behind her, you can see most of her outfit! She got a little (lot) drunk. Keeping Rainbow puke out of that wig wasn't easy, but I did it! :)

Wore my horse print dress and some pearls to the ceremony! Don't worry, I didn't take the skull off Rei's Kanzashi, I had two! :) 

More to come soon!




I can't put into words how happy I am right now! This is the most amazing thing anyone has EVER done for me!!! There was a phone call from the desk this morning and Rei went downstairs to return with my bunny baby in her arms! She and Janice hired a pet moving/transport service to get her to me today! 

This is the most thoughtful, loving wedding gift I could ever get! 


Already making herself at home! :)

Rei, Janice, you have made me happier than you could possibly ever know! ♥



Thursday, March 26, 2015

*Sniffle* Fuck sickness!

Rei and I got romantic last night. I know, what else is new? :p We fell asleep afterwards and then I woke up a few hours later with a stuffy/sniffly nose, a full head and a cough. I do not do well being sick! I'm a fully admitted whiny baby when I'm like this. lol

Rei took me to my therapy intake appointment this morning. She went in with me and held my hand while the two girls asked me questions. She was a total sweetheart when they asked things I didn't understand or couldn't describe. :) The whole thing took about a half-hour and I will be contacted by Tuesday with who my therapist is and to schedule an appointment. If the therapist thinks I need any kind of medication, I will be referred to one of the psychiatrists.

At work now and the accountant will be here at 2:00. Hopefully I won't sneeze and get my germs or snot on him...


I tried! Ugh. *Blows nose* Nose piercings + Cold = Annoying.



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Lunch Hour 3/25/15

Janice bought a whole large pizza just for me! It's got hamburger, sausage and pepperoni on it and half of it has been consumed. burp! 

There hasn't been a ton for me to do today, just answering the phone and ordering things we need, mostly. There was a woman in for a fitting that had a super cute baby with her! I got to hold her for a minute and I wanted to take a pic, but I thought it would be weird asking if I could. lol Got a visit from my mangirlfriend, Kevin, when he dropped off a few packages. He cut his hair and he's got the soul patch thing going, too. It's always a scene when he comes in here. Just picture a tall, flamboyant gay dude and myself fangirling over one another and acting like children. Yeah, we're queer to the tenth power. :p

Karen and her daughter are both here today. I haven't really been getting flack from either, but they just give off that "We're better than everybody" vibe. That, and a smell that's like a mix of dirty laundry and perfume. I can only imagine what their house is like. I should probably see if they're on People of Walmart... ;)

Got a selfie for you and then I've gotta work on some financial stuff with Janice, meeting with the accountant tomorrow.

Kitty print shirt and a little kitty collar! :) I've sorta inadvertently given myself a kitty theme this week. Yesterday was my velveteen kitty dress. The bell on the collar jingles. lol Cathy has been meowing at me today. "Meow meow Short Stuff!" (In the tune of the Meow Mix theme) Straaaange family I'm joining... I love them! :)



Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Time for CUTE!

I'd like to forget all about Sunday night. Obviously, I can't totally do that and I'm still incredibly hurt, but I'd rather not dwell on it too much. Rei and I filled out the paperwork for our marriage license this morning. The waiting period is 3 days and if all goes smoothly, we will be making it official on Friday afternoon! :)

I've got a bunch of pictures of Crumb and Misa that I'd like to share. This will be an image heavy post of maximum cuteness!

Crumb Bum:

Misa (With captions/dialogue bubbles):

I love my babies so much and cannot wait for them to meet each other! :)

K, I'll give you one of me, too! But I am not gonna be able to compete with these two beauties!

Maybe a little... ^.^;



Monday, March 23, 2015

Snippets from last night.

I'm still shaken up from Brianne's attack on me. I didn't know she hated me so much. Home from work today and Rei is taking good care of me. I'm sorry I didn't say anything, Adra. I didn't want you to get all worked up over it and make yourself any sicker or anything. I'm trying to be more open with people and hopefully I'll be able to let others know if there's something wrong.

From the first email:

Loved that you posted what happened with Chris on your blog. lol I really don't care, Lacey, I don't. I'm not leaving him for you or mom or anyone. Then you went and fucking tattled on me to mom, which shows how mature you are. That girl you're  marrying must be real fucked up because you're a goddamn child trapped in a woman's body. Everyone thinks you're so damn cute when in reality, it's some fetish and a way to get attention. Do you play dollies and have a tea party before you eat each other? lol You're sick and so is she.

Random text messages:

Wish you never came here.

I'd post the pics Chris took of you but you're not worth the kiddie porn investigation that would follow.

Someone must be looking out for you because you didn't end up a dead fetus in a toilet and that idiot couldn't get the job done. Too bad.

All your stuff that you didn't bring with you got thrown out last weekend.

DIE! (Sent 37 times)

I can't read or post anymore of this, I'm sorry. *Deletes* Gonna go out for breakfast with Rei now.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blondes have more fun? Yes, the ones with dye jobs...

Obviously that does not just happen. However, for me, it takes even longer and more work to achieve this look.

I've always been a blonde. It has its advantages and disadvantages, like anything else. The thing is, some naturals do not have it stop at the hair on their heads. EVERY hair I have on my body is blonde. Yes, there, too, and Rei is very fascinated by it! lol But my eyes are obviously a big part of my look and my blonde eyelashes slow down the process that leads to the image above. I'm going to show you a couple photos on the transformation of my eyelashes. Barf bags available at the door!



See? They're thin and blonde and not very visible if you're in front of me. Also, my milky ass corpse skin does not help matters!

Enter, Dylash:

This is how I look human without makeup on. The package claim of 45 days is pretty accurate, too. You're probably asking why I would need regular mascara after doing this. Scroll down!

That is after the Dylash is applied. They just look like most people's eyelashes without makeup. Mascara, along with this gives me what I want.

All of you dark-haired ladies and ladies with thick, lush eyelashes are lucky. I would kill for them. :p



Saturday, March 21, 2015

Staying in.

I think we got more snow than expected last night and it's still snowing right now. It's gonna switch to sleet/freezing rain and then just rain, then it's gonna get cold again. Not very appetizing, huh? Rei had a hair appointment but she rescheduled for next week because it's dangerous driving out there. She also doesn't feel good and is in a lot of pain today. :( She hasn't been sleeping much lately, so after her breakfast and morning medication, I gave her two of my Soma pills and she went back to bed. If she ends up peeing it or something, she's cleaning it! She's in the bedroom and I mostly sleep on the sofa bed, so I'm not gonna lose it on her or anything. :p

Sitting here watching animal shows, I've spent entire weekends doing that. Nat Geo Wild is one of my favorite channels! Why can't every day be Saturday? <3

PJs and slippers all day! :)



Friday, March 20, 2015

I love my mother-in-law... lol

Cathy was wandering around and I was making a cup of coffee (Caramel!) and she scared the crap out of me. She looked at me kinda funny and then this followed:

Cathy: There's something different about you today, Short Stuff.

Me: Ok...

Cathy: You're wearing pants.

Me: Yeah. I do that sometimes.

Cathy: Did Rei approve this?

Me: Uh... No, she was up late and she'd gone to sleep before I got dressed.

Cathy: She might not be happy... They're cute pants, but they barely hug your cute bubble butt. *Tugs*

Me: She'd get turned on if I wore a hazmat suit.

Cathy: Yeah, she's kind of a pervert sometimes, huh? Three fifths of Jack in 9 months and... Yep. Have a good day, Short Stuff! *Smacks my ass*

I wasn't and am not weirded out by this because it happens ALL the time! Even before I was with Rei. I love those two so much! :)


Early start to the weekend!

Shop will be closing at 1:00 PM today! :) Janice just does these things at random times. There have been times where she's woken me from a dead sleep to tell me "You can sleep in! We're closed today!" That's always fun. lol She's a great person to work for and a big part of what I aspire to be someday. She can do everything here by herself, that's how she got started. 

She tells me all the time that I'm the daughter she didn't have. She had all boys (6!!!) and always wanted a girl that she could teach some of her skills to. I can't make clothes, so she's taught me a lot of the business side of things. I finished two career schools and was more than qualified for what I applied for here, but she's given me a free education in many aspects of how to run a business. I even have a shiny "Office Manager" nameplate. :p 

As you can probably tell from my babbling, I don't have much to do today. I booked the trip to Michigan for Rachael Sandwich and I this morning. lol We'll be leaving on April 10th and will be returning the following week. I'm super excited (maybe just a liiiittle anxious, too!) for her to meet my family. It will be fun and maybe I can get Rei on one of my uncle's horses! Plus, I get to seem my bunny baby, Misa! My sister didn't want a rabbit in her house, so she had to stay behind. :(

Janice has Buck here for the second day in a row! :) Took selfies with him for you!

If my outfit seems strategically chosen, it sort of is. I was really missing Misa yesterday and even sent Adra some pictures. Buck being here always reminds me of her. They have similar bunny personalities. Also, today is the first day of Spring and Easter is coming! I don't believe in the religious part, but if a big bunny wants to bring me chocolate, I am not gonna say no! They're forecasting 1-3" of snow tonight. Happy Spring! :p

Coming to stare soon, sweet bunny baby! <3

Should probably actually do something now...




Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rei will be MIA today.

First, I just wanna wish a happy 30th to Michael. I didn't know him, but everything I hear is great and it's tragic that he died so young. I'm at work but wishing I could be holding Rei for as long as she needs. I drove myself in, couldn't ask her to be my driver today. Cathy has the day off and picked Rei up about a half hour ago. They need each other today. Rei has been in contact with Michael's wife and son over the past few days and they're including them in their mourning. Was going to do something for them, but I've cancelled it and I'm not even involving myself. I will be there for Rei and Cathy in whatever capacity they need me, but this is their time to grieve or celebrate or whatever they'd like. As a family.

Rei will not be online today, no phone either.



Wednesday, March 18, 2015

This is what happens when you let stockings sit around...

BATS!!!! I just put these on and my stinky feet drove them out! And look where those naughty flying rodents are headed! They won't get much sleep there with Rei on the prowl. lol

The bats are a temporary tattoo from here. They have some very pretty designs! Maybe someday I'll actually get the real thing. I need some of Adra's toughness and a few days without caffeine first, though. :p



Crumb being uber cute!



Tuesday, March 17, 2015

They insisted!

I wasn't gonna post a selfie today, but I've been getting compliments ln my dress and the bunny necklace all day! (They all get hugs when they do that) If you notice that my right nose ring is missing, it is. I don't know where or how it fell out, but I had it on this morning (I think! ?) and it's gone. I've got more and they're not expensive, just sucks to lose things!

Todays nails:

Kitties! I love this polish, very shiny and sparkly! The kitties are from a nail plate. The freehand stuff is more for when it's insanely dead here or I'm at home.


♥ Lacey ♥