Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I learned something today

Before I get to it, I just wanted to update everybun on yesterday. Janice wasn't mad, she actually laughed about it. She also apologized for leaving me with all that in her own Janice way. I got lunch and $50 in small bills. lol. She either has more cash than she knows what to do with or just random amounts and denominations. I love her so much! ♥ Oh, and the hole in the wall has a printout of a bunny wearing a hard hat taped over it. ♥♥♥

Annnnywayyyy, yeah. I learned about something that I didn't necessarily even want or care to know about. Janice and I went to pick up lunch and the restaurant we went to has an abandoned building across the street. We pulled into the parking lot and we were the only customers at the place right then. We saw this regular looking, probably late 30's-early 40's woman at the abandoned building.

We couldn't figure out what the hell she was doing. She was like looking in through a hole in a boarded up window, then she reached in, pulled her arm out and started walking away. She saw Janice and I watching her and just stared at us until she was out of view. Of course, I have a consultant on strange and unusual behavior and I called her while watching this. lol.

According to Reibun MD, this woman was buying drugs. Apparently the way they do it is a dealer operates out of a house or rundown structure, you just go there, put money (she says they usually use a mail slot or doggy door) and your drugs come out right after.

Reibun: Is she still there?

Me: Yeah, she's staring right at us.

Reibun: Whoever's in there just doubled their money. She's gonna go do that and because she thinks you're the cops, she's gonna go grab more to kill the paranoia.

Janice heard all this and burst into laughter, as did I. I know drug addiction isn't funny, but the whole concept and just being there watching it was hilarious. Drive-Thru Dope Windows! Haha! This chick was already paranoid if she thought me and a little old lady were the cops... lol. I never knew things like this existed and seeing this woman buying crack (Rei said that's primarily what is sold like that) on her lunch break... You learn something new every day.

I also learned this:


Hm, I don't appear to have a top on in this... Or do I? Can my honey figure it out? Can you? Hehe! ♥ 

Hope everybun is having a good day!





  1. People can say what they will about addicts and street/hood people, a lot of it is true and deserved. But I'll say this in their favor; These people come up with some ingenious shit. This is pretty simple, but I've seen and done some pretty crazy things to sell, use and hide drugs. I had a friend (she died 3 years ago) who installed this little compartment in the ceiling of her shitbox car to hide whatever dope she had on her to use and sell. It was right in the fabric near the light (I put the little hidden zipper in) The inside had coffee beans in it, too. (Throws off dogs)

    Anywho, yes, watching people be naughty and then realizing they've been had is great. Crackheads are amusing as it is, but I wish I could've seen this... XD If anyone cares, a crack high lasts about 5-10 minutes and it affects everyone differently, but paranoia is common. She would've gone back regardless, but she probably sold her fillings to keep the Bunny Gestapo and Mrs. Hitler from finding her... I've never done crack, but it goes hand and hand with Heroin, so I know plenty of people who do. (The H helps with the horrible crack comedown) I do LOVE real cocaine, though. Very expensive and my heart can't handle how hyper it makes me anymore. *Sigh* Memories...

    Oh, and Usagi got tackled when she got home... :3 I surprised her wearing nothing but a smile. ^^; You will never run out of ways to turn me on and make me happy. I still love you more each day, baby doll. Us Forever. :3 *Strokes Lace's stockinged leg* Time for more fun!


  2. I'm sorry this is so short, but my day has been insane. Just wanted to tell you I'm so happy everything worked out, you look beautiful, and I love you and Reibun to bits. *smooches*
