Thursday, July 2, 2015

I don't want this to end!

Rei is so happy! :) I'm happy! Timothy is happy! And in love with me... Haha! ♥ I know it can't last forever, but that doesn't mean I don't want it to. Reibun told me to tell you that she's sorry for not being online today, but I think that's a little ridiculous. The internet can fucking wait. She's got her baby for one week and won't see him again for who knows how long.

I was crazy busy at work today and could only find time to squeak out a comment on Rei's blog this afternoon. We were all trying to finish up everything we could because we've got tomorrow off! Yay! And that fucking bitch I told you about last week is still at it. The materials came in earlier this week but now she wants progress reports! "Has it been started?", "Can I come in and see?", "How long will it take?" Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera! (The King and I) It hasn't been started yet, she needs it for Thanksgiving, for fuck sake! Is it bad that I take a Valium or two after every call? >.>

Anyway, all the work stuff is caught up. I even stayed till 5:30 doing the books and straightening/cleaning the whole place.

Timothy is so adorable. He's very polite and well-mannered and while not quite as extreme, he's got his mom's sense of humor. lol. He's good with the animals, too, and I guess they have several in NC. Ophelia and Juliet remembered him, but PervHam only seems to remember where our private areas are. *Eyeroll* Crumb is very afraid... lol Timothy walked in yesterday and Crumb barked, Timothy looked at him and said hi, then Crumb Bum hid in our closet all day, where he also peed all over the floor a bunch. *Sigh* The bunnies don't seem affected and he held Haku, but Misa kept trying to get away and nipped his hand. I also have Miss Chloe this weekend! :)

We all went out for dinner tonight. Rei had to drug herself hardcore, but it's fucking insane how much she can take and still function. She'll nod off a bit, her speech gets wonky, but otherwise you'd never know. She's also funny as hell! lol. It's like the drugs just bring out the insanely fucked up stand-up comedian in her. It was fun. We went to a Chinese restaurant called Maui in Brockton, where we used to live, and it was delicious! Rei was "commenting"(?) on people around us...

"Look at them over there," (a couple) "I bet he doesn't get her off. Cock is fucking obsolete, motherfucker. If we didn't need men for procreation, we could wipe them off the fucking planet. A sex toy can do everything you can and do it the right fucking way and with less mess and aggravation." Me to Timothy: "She loves YOU, sweetie. She just has a problem involving grownup stuff with boys." Rei: "Oh, fuck! I'm sorry baby. You'll make a girl very happy someday!" *Hugs him* Timothy: "I like 2 girls at school and they like me, I think." Rei: *Grin* ♥

We had a nice night. We got a few games at GameStop after dinner and have been playing since we got home. Rei put Timothy to bed at about 10:45 and now it's just us. She told me they put away some laundry today and he was in awe of one of my bras... *BLUUUUSSSSSHHHH* lol

Hope everybun had a nice day and evening!



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  1. I can't say I love you enough. :3 You are so amazing to me and now my...OUR son, too. And I'm sorry if I embarrassed you at dinner, sweetie... e.e; That comment you left was just...WOW. There is no one like you, Lacebun. Seriously, you exhibit more "Christian" values than the most devout of those fucking morons. I am so lucky to have you and Timothy now, too. And the Crumbster needs therapy or dog Valium or something! XD I love you, Lacebun! And that you've added "bun" to everyone's name. :3 XD (Darling, you're "Adrabun" now. Lawl)


  2. I TOTALLY am Adrabun! ❤️ I love it. And PervHam made me cackle like a lunatic, lol. Reibun is not the only one who's hilarious, Laceybug! I'm still calling you that occasionally. XD You two are so fantastic. And so is Timothy! I don't blame him for being all starry-eyed. If he wasn't Reibun's progeny, he'd be in love with both of you gorgeous girls! 💋 Enjoy your wonderful time with Timothy, and hell yeah the internet can wait. Love you two so much!

  3. Stupid question marks... That was supposed to be red lips. Just pretend it worked. :p

  4. Yep, I walk with the lord. :p No, but I get what you mean and thank you, sweetie. :) I love you more than I could ever say, too, Reibun! And I'm glad you like your new name, Adrabun! Sorry I didn't ask first. lol. Glad you got a good laugh at the PervHam thing! Haha! Love you both! XOXO
