I know you're away, Adrabun. But here's more lip tar for you to buy when you get back, if you haven't already.
Working on "Cutifying" more of the office... Hehe.
And a little collage I made:
Where are the checks, OCC? I'm waiting! :p
If the Anime shade isn't instantly on the page, 4th row down, 4th shade (going right). It is more pink than it appears in the photos. They kept coming out darker than I'd have liked.
This weekend, a tour of some of my favorite beauty products in my bathroom! :) Yep. Mine! :p
Hope everybun had a nice day! Happy Friday!
I love how you're spending darling's money for her... XD You're slowly taking over the world! "Five foot bunny girl wins presidency! Didn't even run!" :3 And YOUR bathroom?!?! Okay, yeah... *Runs across the house to tinkle in the other one* >.>; Love you! :333333
You'd better run! :p And I'm not spending Adrabun's money... I'm merely making suggestions... >.>; They can keep the presidency, I have enough trouble with my current job. lol. Love you, Reibun! XOXO ♥♥♥