Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bunny in heat... *Blush*

The other day Rei mentioned that I was being very frisky and that's a huge understatement. lol. I don't know what it is, but I have sex on the brain constantly lately! It's like everything Rei does or wears gets me going. And don't anyone worry, I'm very gentle with her right now, I usually am.

I had a nightmare last night and she was awake and saw how distressed I was from it. She comforted me, held me and gave me gentle kisses. Then I kissed back and it just turned into this beautiful love making that totally calmed me and let me get back to sleep. That was also the third time we fucked last night... hehe! ♥♥♥ I can't help myself lately, and honestly, I don't want to. :p

In other news, Rei and I are a little stressed about the weather tomorrow. Timothy is supposed to be coming in around 10:00 in the morning and they're saying we could be getting some nasty storms between about 8:00 and noon. We're gonna be keeping an eye out for delays and while I'm sure the plane will be fine, there's just always that fear in the back of your mind. I'm sure it'll all work out and she's going crazy from happiness and wanting everything to be perfect for him. :)

Picture time!

Hanging out with Kiwi today! :) 

Nude stockings and a pretty bird temp tattoo.

Hope everybun is having a nice day!




Monday, June 29, 2015

This is all kinds of wrong

Are people really this fucking stupid!? I don't care if it's real gold or fake or Golden Grahams cereal! Even as a novelty item, you're gonna pay 100 bucks for that stupid shit? And people were obviously buying them if two crackheads had 10 grand in cash. lol 

Creepiest couple ever, people are retards, I'm moving to another country, and I had to pee after reading the sentence at the bottom.




Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Pic Post

K, so you may or may not remember these from months ago. These are the Transparenze Mock Stocking tights that Rei so kindly photographed without my knowledge. lol They are some of my favorite tights though, and I wanted you to see them in as much detail (and as tastefully) as I could show them in. These pics are HUGE, so be patient! :)

Detailed down to the fibers! lol I love the designs on them so much! :)

Damn Rei! :p

Sunday Funnies:

Oh, men and their freaky appendages... :p

These are seriously some of Rei's prettiest pictures:

*Dies* ♥♥♥♥

Well, that's your June data plan, everybun! :p Good thing it's almost over!

Hope you all had a nice weekend! Monday comes too fast...

So do dudes!




Saturday, June 27, 2015

Poor Rei... :(

Rei has been dealing with severe nausea for almost a week straight. She's not actually vomitting, which to me is worse because at least when you vomit, the nausea tends to ease up. She's taking the Zofran sparingly, but it only seems to last about 2-3 hours. Every time I make her food she's lucky if she can finish half of it and then she'll pick at it for a bit and get rid of the rest. She's lost pretty much all the weight she managed to put back on.

Add that to her pain level, that she can't sleep, and her inability to do much of anything and you can probably imagine (with her mental illness) she's not in a great frame of mind lately. :( She's really trying though and I admire the hell out of that. She hasn't cut, she's not doing crazy amounts of drugs and video games/the internet and art are even helping her regulate the smoking. This girl cannot be broken! ♥♥♥♥♥


I'll never leave your side. :) And Timothy is gonna be so happy to be with you that he's not gonna care that you can't do much. Everything will be fine, I promise. ♥

Hope everybun is having a nice weekend!




Friday, June 26, 2015

Pink People Hater

First I just wanna say how over-the-top happy I am for every same sex couple in America right now! :) It's long overdue that every person has the right to marry whoever they damn well please. If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone with the same sex organs and worry about yourself instead of what others do behind closed doors.

If you don't get the title of my post, it's a takeoff of the kids movie The Purple People Eater.

You might think that after doing this job for a few years I'd be used to dealing with assholes of all types. Never. There's no getting used to being yelled at, called names and being treated like an imbecile. Sometimes I get all three from one person and in different languages, too! Yay me! Ugh.

No foreign tongues today, but I've been dealing with a woman who WILL NOT stop calling here! When she came in to place her order and get measured, she was very nice and polite as were her first few calls. She's in her 30's-40's and the dress she wants is very elaborate and expensive and we didn't have all the fabric on hand, so I ordered it.

I got an email last week that what we need is on backorder and I'm running out of ways to tell this bitch just that. Twice today. Two calls asking if the fabric was in. The second time, she blew up at me.

Her: Jesus fucking Christ! How long does it take!? Did you even order it, you little airhead?

Me: I'm sorry, I emailed them again and I haven't heard back yet. I'll call you once I hear anything.

Her: You guys are something else. You took my money and now you're taking your sweet ass time with my order.

Me: Janice already gave you money back for the inconvenience.

Her: Yeah, I haven't gotten that check yet either.

Me: It just went out.

Her: You better get my materials in soon and if I don't get that check, I'll report you and your boss to everyone who'll listen to me!

Me: I'm sorry again. Have a nice weekend, ma'am.

*Hangs up*


Good thing it's slow this time of year and we didn't have other clients at the time! ^o^;;

I know, not very threatening. lol 

Happy Friday and have a good weekend, everybun! :)




After seeing Adra's outfit! ♥

Thursday, June 25, 2015


I'm sorry I haven't emailed anyone or been around online much at all lately. I've been dealing with a lot of mental stuff lately and I'm just very withdrawn from almost everything. I can't sleep because of nightmares and anxiety. The lack of sleep isn't helping the anxiety and it's been depressing me, too.

I'm home from work today, the only thing I've done is go to therapy. It helps, but bringing up the past still takes a toll in every which way. Today the session focussed a lot around my fear of the dark. It got brought up (again) because of the storms the other day. I dread losing power and being stuck in the dark even if someone is with me, it makes me feel claustrophobic and I panic.

The reason for that is because Brianne and her friends thought it was funny to lock me in the basement of our old house when I was little (3-4 y/o), knowing I couldn't reach the pull-string to turn the light on. They'd do it when my parents would go out or if they went to bed early. Even though the basement stuff stopped, she'd still find ways to put me in dark spaces like closets. And we lived in the middle of nowhere to boot. If you've ever been to a REALLY rural area without streetlights or traffic, you know what THAT kind of darkness is. Rei said it's the same way in Northern NH.

It's not just that, it's a lot of things. My neck is acting up, I still haven't had a period and it's all just gotten the better of me. I keep having violent rape nightmares and I'm very paranoid. I keep thinking there are people hiding and wanting to jump out at me or that there are people behind me waiting for me to go somewhere where there aren't any people so they can hurt me. If Brianne were around, she'd tell me to get over myself...

Sorry for the depressing post, everybun. I'm gonna go take a Valium and play games...


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Much Better

Yesterday was just plain scary! We had a storm pass through that had a tornado warning on it from the Massachusetts and Connecticut border until it went off the coastline. It passed by our town, but it didn't miss by much. As far as I know, there weren't any tornadoes spotted, but there were a couple possible microbursts in a few communities.

It's hot today, but that gross, sticky humidity is gone! Yay! It's gonna be cooling off through the weekend and Sunday looks deliciously cool and rainy. :) Huddling in the bathroom with Rei and a bunch of animals hoping the house doesn't blow away isn't fun.

Kinda just an average workday today. I had some BBQ rib sandwiches for lunch. NOM!

Some funnies:

And this...


Have a nice day, everybun!




Monday, June 22, 2015

Avoiding the scary weather

As I said yesterday, we're supposed to be getting some nasty storms tomorrow afternoon. The same system that is coming here has been in Michigan and my parents said it was horrible, but they're ok. Northern New England and western Massachusetts are under the greatest risk, but things can change quickly here.

Janice doesn't want me or anyone else taking chances, so we'll only be open until 12:30-1:00 PM tomorrow. I'm really hoping it's not too bad, though. There are lots of trees and powerlines around us and I just worry... Hopefully OZ has wifi! :p

Even dogs are looking up skirts these days... *Eyeroll* ♥

 No gold star for the day, just lots of shiny silver ones. :)

Hope everybun had a nice day! :)




Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day! :)

To my dad and all the other dads out there! And Rei's "dad" doesn't count in that, he's gonna have to wait until there's an Ugly Heartless Walrus day... After everything he's done to her, she still sent him a text this morning and he didn't reply... Fuck you, asshole!

I called my dad this morning and made sure he got his gift that I sent him and just chatted and reminisced with him for about an hour, it was nice. :) Rei did get a hold of Rob and Timothy though and they had a pretty good chat, too. So all in all, it was pretty good.

Along with the dad stuff, Cathy came over this morning and just left a little bit ago. She helped me clean the house, including changing poopy bunny/hamster cages and litter boxes. It was a pretty gross day outside and still is. The rain is gone, but the humidity is disgusting. Good day to get things done inside and run the AC.

Tuesday is looking kinda scary right now. They're already forecasting strong-severe storms that could contain strong winds, large hail and possibly a tornado or two. It's doubtful that we'll see a twister, but it bears watching anyway. And, of course, I'll be on my way home during the time they're forecast to hit. I'll have to talk to Janice about this tomorrow.

Must digest the delicious chicken dinner Cathy made now! First a few picz...

Mixed messages. :p

Took this yesterday. I think I got her by surprise! lol

Rei has been teaching me things! lol I made this happy cupcake scarf for when it isn't gross out anymore! :)

Cathy brought Toast! Rei is playing PS4 with him here. The position she's in lasted all of 15 seconds. Haha! 

Hope everybun had a nice weekend! :)




Friday, June 19, 2015

Happy Friday! :)

Less than an hour left until go home time! Yay! It's supposed to be nice tomorrow, so I'm gonna grill outside for dinner and then Cathy will be over on Sunday when it's supposed to rain all day. 

I actually feel kinda bad/guilty posting this knowing that Adra is having such a rough time of it right now. :( We're thinking of you, Adra! Please take it easy and we hope you get better real soon. I hope the weekend proves better for you. *Blows kisses*

Chloe waves bye bye to the camera while eating. I don't want Janice to take her home... *Pouts and stomps feet*

Crumb Bum on his leash. ♥

Pastel skulls! :) (Stamped)

Have a nice weekend, everybun! :)




Thursday, June 18, 2015

Moving on...

I just posted a comment updating the situation on yesterday's post. Cathy called Rei this morning and apologized and all is well on that front. :) She's coming over this weekend to help with some household stuff and she's gonna make us a big dinner. She is furious with Crystal as well and wants nothing to do with her right now.

Speaking of the ungrateful bitch, her mom showed up to get her remaining things just as I was leaving for work this morning. Rei was sleeping, thankfully. Her mom didn't say much, but she did say "You guys are some family..." to which I replied "Yeah, we let her live here free of charge, Rei got a concussion getting her away from that loser and she couldn't lift a finger to do anything. Where's my back rent?" She hurried her ass up after that. I was a little late coming in because I wouldn't leave the house until she was gone.

I'm just glad this whole thing is over with and we can get on with our lives. I want to say thanks to Adra for being so awesome to Rei through this. I know you have some stuff going on in your life right now and we are both so grateful that you still make time for us, regardless. ♥♥♥


Janice just picked her up this morning! ♥♥♥ Her name is Chloe and she is our new office pet. :) Guess who's in charge of cleaning her cage? lol She's very sweet. *Stares at Chloe some more* ♥

Transparenze mock stocking and garter tights! Love 'em! :)

A few funnies:

Have a great day, everybun! :)




Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A promise I intend to keep.

If you read Rei's post from last night, you know that she's incredibly hurt right now. After she posted that, I was woken up by her crying over what happened. I know I'm not very physically strong and I'm not experienced in a lot of things, but I refuse to let her be hurt any more. I don't care what it takes, no one is going to use and abuse her ever again.

Rei is the sweetest person you will ever meet and she will do anything she can to help someone in need, especially if she's close to them. She cares to a dangerous fault. I don't want to make Adra feel any worse, I just want to let her and anyone else know that when Rei was cut off from the world last year, she felt so bad about hurting Adra that she was hurting herself. That's not the sole reason she was self-harming, but she'd get so upset over it that that's what happened.

Crystal, you might be older than I am, but could you possibly be any more of a child? No responsibility for yourself or your son, you go tattle to Rei's mom about shit that never happened and you expect everyone to take care of you. Grow up! If I thought I could get anything, I'd take you to small claims court.

She has an education, had a job, but she wants to be a kept woman. Let your mom take care of you, we're done...

And I know Cathy rushed to judgement and started on Rei last night, too. She barely talked to me at work today and went home early. I know she feels bad about what she did, she wasn't snubbing me because of Crystal. Please just apologize, Cathy. Rei is deathly afraid of losing you again and she shouldn't have to make the first move here.

I love you, Rei. You are so strong and I will help you through all of this. As long as I'm breathing, I will take care of you in every way I can. Lord knows, you've protected and taken care of me plenty and I will do the same for you. ♥

Hope everybun had a nice day.




Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Just let me make it home!

After the cool, rainy day yesterday, it is hot and humid today. We're having like a one day spell of this yuckiness and then tomorrow is supposed to be nicer. There's a chance of strong storms right around when I get out of work and I'm really hoping they hold off.

We get these things around the same time of day during the summer, right in time for the evening drive. I've seen plenty of accidents driving in them and I don't need another one of those! I've been keeping an eye on the weather sites and I haven't seen much on the radar just yet. The news stations around here are useless as tits on a bull as far as forecasting, so I just watch the radar online a lot. It is looking overcast out there, though... :/ I'll spend a few minutes in the bathroom before I leave today. Wouldn't want to have a broken body AND wet undies! :p

Pretty dead here today, maybe I can go home early.

Picture time! :)

Wearing the blue Batman dress today! It's pretty light, so the long sleeves aren't bad in the hot weather. I found some stockings to match, too! :)

New choker and makeup/polish purse! :)

Crumb Bum hanging out on his giant pillow! ♥

Misa baby just hanging out. Rei did the wall behind her before she had surgery.

Juliet making mom feel better. ♥♥♥

Hope you have a nice day, everybun!




Monday, June 15, 2015

Stupid neck!

As much as I enjoyed todays weather, sometimes raw/rainy stuff causes me pain. Along with that, I was on the couch tonight and the way I had my neck and head caused me to get all whooshy and I fell on my ass upon standing. Plenty of padding, don't worry! lol

Other than that, a pretty uneventful day today. Just how I wanted it! :) Rei goes nowhere without her Vita lately. If she didn't have her walker, there would be big Rei holes in a few of our walls, I think. Haha!

Have a nice night, everybun!


Sunday, June 14, 2015

"Saint" Bernard?

A lot of people get an image of Beethoven, the lovable, slobbering dog from that 90's family movie when they think of these dogs. I saw the movie before I ever saw one in person and let me tell you, Beethoven looks smaller on TV. These things are massive beasts and I've known very few people who own one.

I was going out to get lunch while at Janice's house today and one started barreling at me, walking its owner, instead of the other way around. The guy walking it was an average size guy, too. I was sorta pinned against my car while the guy held the dog back and told me to walk around and get in my car. But this dog had fucking murder in its eyes! I got away unharmed, but Jesus did I move slow.

Janice and George heard it barking at me and George had to help the guy hold it back while Janice called the cops. I was gone by the time they showed up, but the dog ended up being taken away. The guy walking it lives a few streets over from her and apparently this wasn't the first incident. I'm not sure what I did to provoke it, but why do people have animals like this in residential areas?

Pitbulls are America's favorite target, but do you realize how quickly I'd have been seriously hurt or killed if this thing had gotten me? It was bigger than me and had I been taken down, one chomp in the right place and Rei is a widow... I know there are gentle Saint Bernards, there are gentle Pitbulls, etc. You can argue it's how they're raised or nature or whatever, but they're also animals and animals aren't always predictable.

Anyway, it was scary and I'm glad nothing happened to me. Luckily I had peed before I left the house, too!

In other news, I have the day off tomorrow! :) With everything all caught up and no appointments tomorrow, we're closed! Yay! I'll be getting some sleep tonight and unless Rei needs anything, we'll be enjoying a cool rainy day at home tomorrow. :)

Some pics now!

Kiwi and I at Janice's piano!

See, he thinks he's a bunny!

He is a bunny! A big, lovable one, too! ♥

This is from yesterday:

As you  can see, the pink hair is gone. (Washed out, like always) I loved Adra's dark lipstick so much, I had to try! Thoughts?

Hope everybun had a nice weekend! :)


