Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Minnesota Teenager Moves East - Family Guy

I don't SAY things like this, but I know people who do. I do have the accent, but I sound like I'm like 8-10 years old.

Rei looked at me when we watched this episode and got a resounding "Oh, fuck you, R-less Wonder!"



  1. My R-Less accent is more concise. I drop a letter, you misplaced Canadians aaaaaccent one for three days... :p I love your voice, your accent, everything about you, Usagi. :3 *Kisses*


  2. I am back, darlingbuns. <3 I apparently don't have an accent, or something. Occasionally I slip into a Montana drawl, but that's it. Otherwise I'm complete Pacific Northwesterner. Lacebun, I love your previous posts. Thank you for the tour of your beauty shelf, and the nail thingy! Sorry your weather sucks. :( It got to 100 here on Sunday, according to Patrick. Such a nightmare.

    My Galaxy Chic palette came while I was away! As did two additional lip tars and the Naked3 palette. Now to watch more videos on how to actually do things with them. *stares at YouTube*

    Love you, Lacebun! <3

  3. Aaaw! :p I love everything about you too, Reibun!

    I think the Northwest needs a new tourism slogan, Adrabun. "We can hear your stupid accents." lol. I'm so glad you're back and that you liked my posts! :) It didn't get quite that hot here... Jeez! Do you guys have AC?

    And yay for getting your stuff! I can type up or take some photos for a little tutorial of my own if you want. :) It might not be for a couple days, but let me know.

    Love you, bungirls! XOXO

  4. YUSSSSSS I want a Lacebun tutorial! I must know how this magic is worked. O.o I tried a cateye today and threw on some of the new lip tar. Whee!

  5. Baby steps, Adrabun! :) I'll try to get started on it tomorrow, depending on how busy I am at work. I will definitely have it on the blog by the weekend, though. :) Have a nice night, Adrabun! XOXO

  6. Oh, no rush, Lacebun. I've got plenty of stuff to smear on myself in the meantime. XD I'm still learning to even do a cateye without it taking half an hour and all the obscenities I know. Take your time. ❤️
