Thursday, May 28, 2015


This weather is terrible! It's all hot and sticky and being outside is like breathing soup. The last year has been very strange in terms of weather. This time a year ago, it felt more like late fall/early winter than anything. I'll take that over this July weather any day!

We're under a severe thunderstorm watch until 7:00 PM. I always get a little nervous about these things, but I'm really ready for it to cool off and I'll take a Valium if things get scary. It's supposed to rain most of Sunday, at least that's what they're saying today. Maybe it'll get the old guys mowing their lawns with their hairy chests and saggy man tits to stay in the house... Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Like Rei said yesterday, beautiful female breasts are taboo but these hideous bastards can get away with it. *Sigh*

I had to go see my doctor today to get my belly checked and she says everything is looking good, so yay! :) I think I forgot to mention that I've been checked regarding my absent periods and I'm being pretty closely monitored right now. My doctor checked with me today and she seemed concerned that there's still nothing happening. There's a possibility of having to have that dreaded surgery that starts with the letter H. Yep, terrified!

Rei has been on a bit of a music kick today, if you haven't noticed. She posted a ton of YouTube links on her Twitter page and there are two on her blog. My musical muse inspired this nail design!

Cool, huh? :) I'm pretty happy with how they came out, especially since they're freehand. 

Hope everybun is having a nice day!





  1. I am, as ever, in awe of your nail talents. Our weather has been surprisingly warm, and the grass has already entered its summer hibernation phase. We haven't had the nasty humidity that you have, mercifully. The way you describe it sounds exactly like when I was unfortunate enough to visit Washington, D.C. during the summer. Every time we stepped out of the air-conditioned bus it was like walking into a wall of warm water. GROSS. Love you! <3

  2. Oh, it's vile, darling! How or why some people like this shit is beyond me. As for your lady problems, Usagi, I'm worried with you... You'll be miserable if you have to have that done. I'll be there every step of the way, should it come to that. *Kisses* We'll get through it, honey bunny! :3

