Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Yay! Haku!

My new bunny baby is here!!! :) She is sooo sweet and I can't take my eyes off of her! Sorry, Rei! :p The pet interactions have been mostly positive thus far. Ophelia doesn't really care, she just does her thing and to hell with everyone else. lol Misa is a little unsure, I think. I put them on the floor together and she was a little territorial at first, but then she lightened up and they just sorta sat next to each other for 5 minutes or so. Crumb is Crumb. He loves her, he's scared of her, it changes every 7 seconds. 

We have our TV/Internet service up and running and are still working on making the house presentable. Should have some photos by the weekend! :) Rei was up late last night. She couldn't sleep because every little noise was waking her up. If I weren't so exhausted, it probably would've been the same for me. I guess it was mostly the creeking of the house and the central air kicking on. It's SO quiet here otherwise! ♥

While she was awake last night, Rei took some screens using Wii U Image Share. Her eye for beauty extends to image captures too, apparently! They're also on her Twitter with commentary.

♥♥♥♥♥ (Momiji, Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge. Save Sequence)

Spilling Fiend blood.

Nom! I mean... *Eyeroll* NOM!!! :p

        Have a nice day, everybun! Will be back at work tomorrow! :)




  1. I hate you! You never pay attention to me when the bunnies are out! *Pouts* Maybe I'll just run away! *Throws dinner at the wall and eats paste* Oooh, crayons! XD :3


  2. LOL! Don't you dare draw on those walls, young lady! You're gonna get it!!! Haha! Love you, Reinbow! :) XOXO *Smooches*
