Tuesday, May 19, 2015

More Bunny Girl Funnies! :)

These are good, but Rei needs a TV show or an entire network with which to broadcast her brilliant humor to the world. The Rei & Adra Show would put every other comedy series ever to shame! And probably put them in Guantanamo's "Special" ward after the pilot aired. :p I love you both so much and I wanna be the middle part of a crazy girl sandwich. ♥ 

Hanging out with Kiwi at lunch! :)

Janice gave me a new bunny ring after lunch! :) ♥♥♥♥ 

Just some basic fishnets. 

Hope everybun is having a nice day! :)





  1. I'm only sporadically hilarious. It'd have to be like the Rei and Part-time Adra show. :p I love fishnets. I'm wearing pirate tights myself, the ones you've seen before. It was chilly this morning! Brrrr... The ring is super cute, too.

  2. I want yer booty! Yar har! XD We could do a late night type deal! I'll host and you hide behind the little Hollywood whores with the piano wire!

    Please make this a weekly post, Usagi-chan! You make me laugh just as much and you've got a good sense of dark humor yourself! :3 I love your new ring, your stockings and everything about you. :3333 *Smothers with kisses* Pay no attention to the kicking lump of shit in the big pillowcase... ;)


  3. Oh! I wanna watch that! lol Glad you like my ring, Adra! Thanks! :) I wasn't gonna wear tights today, but it was freezing and pouring rain this morning so yep. I will do that, sweetie, I'm glad you enjoy them! *Goes back to kissing* She's getting out! Die stupid evil gypsy! *Beats with pink baseball bat* Ah... *Kissing resumes* Love you both! XOXO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
