Monday, May 11, 2015

Some (Very) Personal Stuff

Rei is an inspiration to me in many ways, but her post last night and a lot of the posts she does always sorta leave me in awe of how much of an open book she is. I know my mom reads my blog and I'm sorry to her and anyone else that finds what I'm about to write to be TMI. Of course, by saying that, I've just enticed more people to keep reading! Haha! You know you love it! :p

That's me at age 19. First you'll notice the cute little guinea pig. That is my exes pet that I took in after he went to prison. His name was Oreo and I loved him very much. I came home from college one evening to find him dead in his cage. He was just a baby and he seemed fine that morning, I really don't know what happened. :( 

I didn't post that to reminisce about dead pets, though. Look at my midsection, what do you see? Mmhmm, fat rolls. I haven't always been thin, I was a pudgy kid and it lasted until I did something about it when I came to MA. I went to the gym every day and worked on my belly, mostly. I started doing yoga at home, too. Now my weight is primarily in my tits and ass. I'm very self-conscious about the latter. After I had my car accident, I stopped doing the gym and yoga thing. I've been in a lot of pain the past 2 years and honestly, I've just been lucky that the belly fat hasn't come back. With Rei going back to belly dancing in the amount of pain she deals with, I've decided to go back to yoga and doing a light workout every morning! :) And yep, I've ordered some cute workout clothes! :p

Of course, Rei being Rei, the first thing she noticed about that photo was my hard nipple. lol That's fully erect for me, they're tiny, too. No Milk Daggers like some people have... hehe!

I know I've told you that I can't have babies, but I haven't mentioned that my reproductive organs have all but stopped working. I haven't had a period since last November. I know, all you ladies probably think I'm lucky, and I agree to a point. But that also means that there's something wrong inside of me. I had one every month until about a year ago, then they started becoming irregular and eventually just stopped. I've had ultrasounds and everything to make sure there wasn't cancer or anything, but they said it looked ok. That was when they were just irregular, I haven't seen a doctor since they've stopped. I don't know if I'm walking around with dead/useless organs inside of me or what, but I made an appointment this morning to find out. This has been a major source of anxiety for me and hopefully I'll get some answers that will relieve it.

Speaking of that region of the body, I'm abnormally small down there. My doctors here and back home have remarked on it (I only see female doctors for that stuff, btw) as has Rei. Sex is better with her for a lot of reasons, but primarily because she's gentle with me and when things get a little more... adventurous... she checks to make sure she's not hurting me. She got scared during our first time because she thought she was hurting me, but I'm just very sensitive. My ex didn't care. I'm not trying to glorify him, but he was big and he didn't give a shit that he hurt me every time and made me bleed. I'd walk around hurting for days. :/ I hope your big pecker is Bubba's prize possession and he tattooed his name on it with a dirty needle, fuckhead! The night he raped me and tried to kill me, he tore me apart in more ways than one.

I've been working on this post since I got to work today, I hope I haven't put anyone off to me. I have a strange little body, don't I? lol 

There's not a lot going on here today, it's been pretty average so far. Karen's firing is the talk of the office and it is so pleasant without her here! It smells much better, too! Janice is everyone's hero today and my work moms have all checked on me to make sure I'm ok. I love them! :) I've gotta start putting the word out that we're now in need of a new employee at some point today. Now it's lunchtime/DJ Bunny Girl's Party Hour! lol 

Pictures first!

I tried to get my eyeshadow to match my little Beetle Brooch (Say that five times fast!). How'd I do?

My name isn't Lacey for nothing! :p

Misa baby in the morning sun! :) Widescreen Edition.

This is me babysitting Buck around Christmas time last year at Brianne's house. I told you he loves to eat tights, unfortunately I'm not very good at snapping pics with bunny teeth in my leg. :p 

Tip of the day: This is for you "gentlemen" out there. Instead of being a jackoff and asking a girl if the carpet matches the drapes, or if you just don't feel comfortable asking if it's her natural hair color (which is usually more welcome than the first one) look at her eyebrows. Even women who dye their hair usually don't bother to change their eyebrow color. Your answer lies there. As the Pagans say; As above, and so below. ;)

Have a nice day, everybun! :)





  1. So many things to say...where to begin...

    1. My weight has gone up and down too, darling, and it is SO frustrating. You are beautiful, and you would still be beautiful with more to love. I'm currently at the fat stage again, thanks to my stupid meds, and I want mine to go down as well.

    2. You are my makeup idol.... if only I could work the same magic you can... *jealous*

    3. I want to stab the everliving fuck out of your horrible ex. I hope someone shanked him in jail next to a toilet. Or pulled a Dahmer and beat him to death in the shower with a crowbar. Fucker deserves no less.

    4. I hope there isn't anything wrong with your internal business, sweetness... I'm glad you're getting it checked out. In losing weight, are you now underweight? My sister is, and she's had her period only sporadically for the last two years. I wonder if you could have some cervical blockage, like a clot that formed, and the endometrial tissue just keeps being reabsorbed by your body instead of leaving via monthly cycle. At any rate, please keep us posted on your health!

    5. I'm glad Rei is gentle with you! I've had people who ripped me open and made me bleed, too, but no actual rape. I'm so sorry that happened to you. *hugs* If I could kill him, I would. We've all got something a little strange with us. Using the restroom makes me bleed sometimes. I guess I'm too small there, just like you are in another spot.

    6. Love you so much. I'm terribly glad you've got Rei now to love you and take care of you. She's the best wife anyone could ever ask for. *hugs tight*

  2. First, thank you for always being so supportive of her, darling! *Hugs* Her whole life up until she met me, her main support was her psychotic sister, so... Yeah. eh heh.

    Lacey, honey bunny, baby girl, there is nothing outwardly wrong with you or your body. Nor is there any shame in talking about it, especially as tastefully as you've done here. I know your parents are from a much different generation and you were raised that way, but there really isn't. I'm not knocking how you were brought up or your folks, because they obviously raised an amazing girl and I love them dearly. I'm just saying that it's not taboo to talk about or show your body.

    Like you said to me, I don't care if you're skinny, fat or in between, I love YOU! I am very excited that you want to get back to exercising and yoga, though! I will help you in any way I can if you need it! I also can't wait to see your new workout gear! :3

    I'm very concerned along with you about the problems with your innards, as you know. Do you want me to go with you? As much as I enjoyed not having my rag, I have to admit that I was concerned after awhile. We will get it figured out, sweetie! Whatever it takes!

    Your tiny lady parts are as beautiful as the rest of you. :3 Your little nipples and tiny honey pot just complete the chibi package that is you. I will always be gentle with you, honey bunny! I can't stand seeing you hurt or upset, and it would cut me deeply inside to know that I'd caused you pain or injury from something that is supposed to be pleasurable.

    What that motherfucker did to you is beyond fucked up or wrong. I'd love to release a rabid, horny bull into his cell while his cellmate made him bend over and suck his syphilitic cock and just watch the bull tear his ass apart. A little taste of his own medicine and then the bull can gore him through his empty heart to top it off. I'm not crazy!

    We love everything about you, Laceface. Nothing you could do or say would put me or Darling off to you, we've heard, seen and thought it all in reality or our warped minds. Don't ever hate yourself for being different from others, no matter what it is. You are a unique, beautiful person and not many people see that in themselves.

    Now that I've been rambling for an hour, I've gotta come pick you up! No time to change, so I'll be there in my new outfit! XD Love you, all that shit! :3


  3. You two are seriously the nicest, sweetest girls I've ever known! I can't express to you everything that I'm feeling right now! I'll try to answer as many of your points as I can!


    1. Thank you, I'm glad you think so! I'm gonna have to say that the same would be true to you, more of you to love! I think every recent photo I've seen of you is gorgeous, but I totally understand how it is to not have things you love to wear fit properly and so on, I'm sure Rei does, too.

    2. I will teach you as many of my makeup and nail secrets that I can while you're here, promise! :)

    3. ♥♥♥♥♥ Haha!

    4. I think I'm actually overweight for my height, if you go by those impossible standards they set. I haven't had any doctor or anyone tell me to gain any weight... I was 119, last I checked! I always appreciate your medical insight and I will keep these things in mind when I go. The appointment is on the 29th.

    5. I'm sorry you've had the same things done to you, it's horrible, rape or not. I'm sure Patrick is gentle with you, as Rei is with me. It's nice when people care about you and not just getting themselves off.

    6. I love you so, so much! I can't wait to hug you in person! :) You are so right! Rei is amazing and I couldn't have ever dreamed I'd be so happy and treated so well!

    Rei: I've already talked to you about your comments in person, but I just wanted to say thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart! I love you to death and you are my everything and so much more! And thank you for stopping typing to come pick me up! lol You look so amazing in your outfit and with the weather recently, you didn't even look out of place!

    I love both of you so much! You are so incredibly amazing and understanding! I wish I could give Adra a hug and a kiss in person! XOXOXOXO ♥♥♥♥♥ :D
