There's nothing wrong with loving a product, brand or artist. There's nothing wrong with preferring something over something else. But I'm tired of fangirls. And yes, gentlemen, there is no such thing as a fanBOY. You all look like catty bitches arguing over Nintendo being better than Sony. I know a lot of people are fangirls in jest, these are not the droids you are looking for.
Go to any game forum, FB, Twitter, whatever and you'll find at least a handful of these people. They'll go to war with you to prove their point, there are jihadists that believe in their cause less than some of these people. (Although, the jihadists are gonna die and realize that THESE are the virgins awaiting them! hehe) An endless string of sales figures, historical information and the competitions failures await if you challenge them. Dante could not have foreseen such a hell...
Do you think any of these companies care? They love your loyalty and your money, but only because it helps their bottom line. Do you think they care that you're out there crusading for them? Absolutely not. Actually, they probably despise you because your blind loyalty is turning people away from their products. Why am I gonna buy something and if I don't like it, have 30 assholes insult me for having an opinion? And how did my mother get dragged into it? How did you know I'm not straight? Honestly, if you worked for any of these companies, you'd be shitcanned for doing things like that.
I like certain things more than others. I have favorite makeups, nail polishes, clothing brands that I wear most often, but what does buying ONLY THOSE get me? A smaller wardrobe and less makeup and what girl wants that? :p I love my iPhone, but it has its flaws and I've considered switching quite a few times. I play my 3DS more often than anything else, but I also love my PS3. Singularity only benefits the corporations in the end. The world is full of so many great things, why limit yourself to just one type of thing? And if you wanna be like that, be respectful to those who aren't. Otherwise, go throw yourself down a warp pipe that leads to a pit of sharp rusty things.
Go to any game forum, FB, Twitter, whatever and you'll find at least a handful of these people. They'll go to war with you to prove their point, there are jihadists that believe in their cause less than some of these people. (Although, the jihadists are gonna die and realize that THESE are the virgins awaiting them! hehe) An endless string of sales figures, historical information and the competitions failures await if you challenge them. Dante could not have foreseen such a hell...
Do you think any of these companies care? They love your loyalty and your money, but only because it helps their bottom line. Do you think they care that you're out there crusading for them? Absolutely not. Actually, they probably despise you because your blind loyalty is turning people away from their products. Why am I gonna buy something and if I don't like it, have 30 assholes insult me for having an opinion? And how did my mother get dragged into it? How did you know I'm not straight? Honestly, if you worked for any of these companies, you'd be shitcanned for doing things like that.
I like certain things more than others. I have favorite makeups, nail polishes, clothing brands that I wear most often, but what does buying ONLY THOSE get me? A smaller wardrobe and less makeup and what girl wants that? :p I love my iPhone, but it has its flaws and I've considered switching quite a few times. I play my 3DS more often than anything else, but I also love my PS3. Singularity only benefits the corporations in the end. The world is full of so many great things, why limit yourself to just one type of thing? And if you wanna be like that, be respectful to those who aren't. Otherwise, go throw yourself down a warp pipe that leads to a pit of sharp rusty things.
See? I like variety! Multiple types of stars! OMG! I'm only gonna do star patterns for the rest of my life! Goddamn homos that hate stars can go kill themselves!
Happy Friday, everybun! :)
LOL This is awesome. I love you. And your fingernails. <3
ReplyDeleteOh mah sistah, TESTIFYYYY!!!! You know what's hilarious? I just got an ignorant comment on Twitter because I made fun of Xbox... O.o I laughed my fucking ass off reading this! Seriously, you hit the nail on the head, dead fucking center. The part about "fanboys" was the best! The funniest things are also the most true.
ReplyDeleteIt's not even all jobless, virginal dweebs anymore, which is even more sad. People are at work being paid to argue about Princess Peach's menstrual cycle! People get waaayyy to attached to games, tech, etc.
The most extreme case of fandumb I've come across was in 2006. There was someone that was so attached to the Japanese band Schwarz Stein that they didn't listen to anything else. I've gone through periods of time where I'll listen to a certain artist ALMOST exclusively, but this had been going on for a few years. SS made two albums and two singles, instrumental tracks and intros/outros/interludes excluded, you could probably fit it on one CD. It was insanity. They weren't bashing people who didn't like them, but that type of obsession is scary.
I hope the jihadists bomb the Mushroom Kingdom. *Awaits attack and explanations of how this is impossible*
Your nails are adorable, as is your uber short kitty skirt! :3 Love you, honey bun! :3 *Kisses*
Hahaha! Glad you both liked it and got a laugh! Yeah, please don't bring them here, Rei! I don't want Nintendo fangirls sending us mushroom mail bombs or bob-ombs or any bombs! :p Love you both and have a nice weekend! XOXO ♥♥♥♥ *Smooches*