Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Rei is better!

Yep, she woke up this morning fresh as a daisy! :) Just so no one worries, the wifi at home has been very shaky the past couple days. It'll work for a little bit and fade in and out. So if you don't see her around, don't worry! She's there and cursing at the damn thing because her porn videos only partially load. lol

Another boring day at work and not much to do. I did indeed bring my 3DS today! As you can probably imagine, I have the pink XL model, though, I'd really like the newest one they released (in pink) that has faster processing power and whatever else. There will probably be three more models out by Christmas at the rate Nintendo is going, so maybe then.

I saw something funny on a repeat of American Dad last night. Even though I'd seen this episode a bunch of times, I'd never really thought about this scene before. It has Steve (the son) stranded in the desert after the family has revoked their American citizenship and moved to Saudi Arabia. He is visited by Angelina Jolie, but it turns out to be God in the form of Angelina Jolie. After a couple of stupid questions, Steve asks to see her boobs and she shows him, but is blinded by bright light. It's so true! If God existed and were a woman, the first thing your average dude would ask her is to see divivine boobs!

K, time for pictures!

Got my pink sea horse shirt on again, but look! I found my sloth necklace! :) It was in my purse! See what happens when you clean things? Not sure how the hell it got IN there, but the mysteries of the skull purse are many.

Misa in the Morning! Coming soon to a TV near you. It'd be better than the crap they've got on now!

Have a nice day, everyone! If you live in Massachusetts, drive safe this afternoon/evening! :)




  1. SLOTH NECKLACE. My life is complete. I love it. You and your bunny are gorgeous as always, and I'm SO glad to hear Lady Rei is feeling better. Thank goodness. <3

  2. Isn't it cute!? Thank you, I'm glad you like it! :) And thank you also for complimenting myself and Misa! Though, I'm sure the bunny would much rather some veggies. Or wires... lol And The Goddess Jolie has blessed Rei with health! What? She gets credit for everything else. :p Love you, Adra! XOXO Oh, and I took your suggestion and kept yestsrday's nails! :) ♥

  3. The only thing cuter than that sloth necklace (okay, and Misa!) is you, honey bun! :3 The wifi is terrible, yes. I was just enjoying a video of a Cammy (from Street Fighter) cosplayer getting boinked and then it kicked out! I thought that shit died with dial-up... :/ And I totally agree with the God/Jolie stuff. "Can I see your boobs?!" "Go to Hell!" "Wut?!" *Fire, brimstone and boners* "We all asked too, dude." XD And double points about Jolie. What did the world do before Brangelina?! Fuck her, the shitty movies she makes and her UN of children. Women are wasting their lives getting cancer screenings and living in fear because they think she's some sort of every woman. I hope all the surgery etc is for not and she drops dead anyway. /rant Love you, beautiful! :3 *Kisses*

