Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Back to the grind

Yep. Vacation is over and I'm back to work doing...not much of anything right now. lol I figured I'd do a blog post while I had this free time.

I didn't get much sleep last night, as Adra knows. I'm sorta back to the way I was when I was doing schoolwork all night to finish high school and then again in college. It's not to the level of all nighters or going full days without sleep, but I wouldn't be surprised to see either happen.

The Soma doesn't knock me out anymore, nor does the Valium. Along with the Vicodin, they're still helping with the pain, they've just stopped being sedating. I have therapy tomorrow morning, so maybe I can see about getting in with a psychiatrist there and getting something just for sleep. Or go get the industrial size bottle of Zzzquil. lol

Me today! Embracing my inner drag queen with the eye makeup today. More like hiding the tired... :p I showed you my right ear because it's all irritated. My dress got stuck on the industrial piercing (The bar at the top. Yes, two holes and hurt for over a week.) and it didn't wanna come off! Where is my Rei to laugh at me in moments such as these? :(

Speaking of Rei, I made her Usamimi!

This took a very short amount of time. As for the fabric used to make it? Well, I was bad before I left and bought some cute ones! Janice wasn't mad, she was just like "What are we gonna do with this? Besides making yourself things." "Cute print dresses? Lots of people like them!" *Dollar signs* Haha! $.$

Speaking of cute prints!

More of my dresses! :) 

Have a nice day, everyone! :) I keep thinking it's Monday...



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