Monday, March 16, 2015

Up early and ready to start fresh.

Rei really likes that photo, so I'm now using it for my profile which I've also (creatively!) updated. No, I DO NOT look like that right this minute! lol 

I couldn't sleep worth a damn, but I'll be ok. I can nap when I get home or go to bed early tonight, it always evens out somehow. I'm just gonna say this about the Chris/Brianne thing and then I'd really like to drop it. He really hurt my already severely damaged trust in men and the fact that he went to the lengths he did to hide it is disgusting. That my own sister will not answer for it or do anything about it is even worse. But I have a great girl, a great job, and an adorable puppy that all need me. Also, I've never had as good and supportive a friend as Adra. That is the honest truth. I love and am so thankful for all I have and if I lose a sister thats always harbored resentment towards me anyway, so be it.

Have a beautiful day!



  1. We all need you, Lacey-love! We're incredibly thankful for you, and those shitheads can go fuck themselves with oversized rake handles. You are a wonderful person who deserved so much better than that filth. I hope they never contact you again and you can gain some peace. *hugs and love*

  2. P.S. Totally shallow question, but what eye makeup products do you use? The blues are gorgeous. I'm usually too lazy to do my own eyes, but I'm curious.
