Friday, March 20, 2015

Early start to the weekend!

Shop will be closing at 1:00 PM today! :) Janice just does these things at random times. There have been times where she's woken me from a dead sleep to tell me "You can sleep in! We're closed today!" That's always fun. lol She's a great person to work for and a big part of what I aspire to be someday. She can do everything here by herself, that's how she got started. 

She tells me all the time that I'm the daughter she didn't have. She had all boys (6!!!) and always wanted a girl that she could teach some of her skills to. I can't make clothes, so she's taught me a lot of the business side of things. I finished two career schools and was more than qualified for what I applied for here, but she's given me a free education in many aspects of how to run a business. I even have a shiny "Office Manager" nameplate. :p 

As you can probably tell from my babbling, I don't have much to do today. I booked the trip to Michigan for Rachael Sandwich and I this morning. lol We'll be leaving on April 10th and will be returning the following week. I'm super excited (maybe just a liiiittle anxious, too!) for her to meet my family. It will be fun and maybe I can get Rei on one of my uncle's horses! Plus, I get to seem my bunny baby, Misa! My sister didn't want a rabbit in her house, so she had to stay behind. :(

Janice has Buck here for the second day in a row! :) Took selfies with him for you!

If my outfit seems strategically chosen, it sort of is. I was really missing Misa yesterday and even sent Adra some pictures. Buck being here always reminds me of her. They have similar bunny personalities. Also, today is the first day of Spring and Easter is coming! I don't believe in the religious part, but if a big bunny wants to bring me chocolate, I am not gonna say no! They're forecasting 1-3" of snow tonight. Happy Spring! :p

Coming to stare soon, sweet bunny baby! <3

Should probably actually do something now...


