Wednesday, March 18, 2015

This is what happens when you let stockings sit around...

BATS!!!! I just put these on and my stinky feet drove them out! And look where those naughty flying rodents are headed! They won't get much sleep there with Rei on the prowl. lol

The bats are a temporary tattoo from here. They have some very pretty designs! Maybe someday I'll actually get the real thing. I need some of Adra's toughness and a few days without caffeine first, though. :p




  1. Fear not, pretty one! I'll chase away your bat problem and all you have to do is let me stay for lunch! :3


  2. Love the bats! And yeah, tattoos hurt, but if you get good ones they are worth it. And you should not be getting bad tattoos anyway. XD I think I only twitched a couple times during this latest one, and that was because he poked a nerve or something that made me move involuntarily. You've got to be able to sit still, and some people can't manage it. Then there's the super awesome itchy phase of the healing process. GOD that is so annoying! I'd rather have pain.
