Monday, June 29, 2015

This is all kinds of wrong

Are people really this fucking stupid!? I don't care if it's real gold or fake or Golden Grahams cereal! Even as a novelty item, you're gonna pay 100 bucks for that stupid shit? And people were obviously buying them if two crackheads had 10 grand in cash. lol 

Creepiest couple ever, people are retards, I'm moving to another country, and I had to pee after reading the sentence at the bottom.





  1. ...and a baby alligator? I just...I have no words. Actually, I do have a few: does that dude realize his tattoos make him look like he was barbecued? I'm gonna go with no, but it just adds that much more lunacy to this whole thing.

  2. Crack is such a lovely drug... Eh heh. "We just wanted to leave Earth and smoke rock cocaine" LOL Goals, people! Goals. *Eyeroll* And you hit it on the head, Usagi. If they'd gotten them two days later, they would've owed someone another 6 thousand. XD Baby alligators are popular black market pets. They found quite a few babies and full grown ones up here last year. And he does look barbecued, darling! XD I've got some bridges to sell now...

