Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Pic Post

K, so you may or may not remember these from months ago. These are the Transparenze Mock Stocking tights that Rei so kindly photographed without my knowledge. lol They are some of my favorite tights though, and I wanted you to see them in as much detail (and as tastefully) as I could show them in. These pics are HUGE, so be patient! :)

Detailed down to the fibers! lol I love the designs on them so much! :)

Damn Rei! :p

Sunday Funnies:

Oh, men and their freaky appendages... :p

These are seriously some of Rei's prettiest pictures:

*Dies* ♥♥♥♥

Well, that's your June data plan, everybun! :p Good thing it's almost over!

Hope you all had a nice weekend! Monday comes too fast...

So do dudes!





  1. You are one frisky, sexy ass little bunny today! And that dog meme pwns! XD Love you, honey bunny! :3 *Goes tight hand-fishing*


  2. hahaha I love all that. And your faux stockings are so cute! I've often referred to Gurgles as a catastrophe, lol. He's also our acrocat. :p You two are so pretty! Love you! ❤️

  3. Thanks! :) And the exploits of Gurgles are legendary! our little circle... Haha! Love you too, Adra! Rei needs to go on another evening hand-fishing trip tonight... *Bites bottom lip* ♥♥♥♥ XOXO
