Thursday, June 18, 2015

Moving on...

I just posted a comment updating the situation on yesterday's post. Cathy called Rei this morning and apologized and all is well on that front. :) She's coming over this weekend to help with some household stuff and she's gonna make us a big dinner. She is furious with Crystal as well and wants nothing to do with her right now.

Speaking of the ungrateful bitch, her mom showed up to get her remaining things just as I was leaving for work this morning. Rei was sleeping, thankfully. Her mom didn't say much, but she did say "You guys are some family..." to which I replied "Yeah, we let her live here free of charge, Rei got a concussion getting her away from that loser and she couldn't lift a finger to do anything. Where's my back rent?" She hurried her ass up after that. I was a little late coming in because I wouldn't leave the house until she was gone.

I'm just glad this whole thing is over with and we can get on with our lives. I want to say thanks to Adra for being so awesome to Rei through this. I know you have some stuff going on in your life right now and we are both so grateful that you still make time for us, regardless. ♥♥♥


Janice just picked her up this morning! ♥♥♥ Her name is Chloe and she is our new office pet. :) Guess who's in charge of cleaning her cage? lol She's very sweet. *Stares at Chloe some more* ♥

Transparenze mock stocking and garter tights! Love 'em! :)

A few funnies:

Have a great day, everybun! :)





  1. LOL I love your comments to Whorehole's mom, every one of them completely true. You are both very welcome for the love and support. I know you'd do it for me. <3 SO relieved the thing with Cathy is resolved and she's now pissed at the correct person. I love your outfit, as I always do, and Chloe looks like the snuggliest creature on earth. Also: antigrav kittens. lol Awesome. Love you, Bunny Girl.

  2. Haha. Glad you liked the comments, Adra! And the one other time I met Crystal's mom, it was painfully obvious that she was being fake. Like mother, like daughter, I guess... Love you both! XOXO ♥♥♥
